2016 Tapping World Summit
Opt-in and Sales Combined Affiliate Contest
Pre-launch begins on Monday, February 1st, 2016
$63,350 in Affiliate Contest Prizes!!
This year we will have ONE combined affiliate contest that takes into account BOTH opt-ins and sales.  We are changing it up a bit to REWARD affiliates who send QUALITY traffic rather than just lots of opt-ins.
Because of the growth of Facebook marketing, we want to make sure to reward our loyal affiliates who have strong relationships with their email subscribers.  Sending Facebook traffic is still great, but now with this new calculation it will be more appropriately rewarded.
The leaderboard will be based on a new number called the OPT-IN & CONVERSION NUMBER.  This will be calculated like this:
Total Opt-ins x (times) $/opt-in conversion = Opt-in & Conversion Number
Here is an example of how this will help balance things:
Affiliate #1 – Has a strong Facebook following and has these numbers:
15,000 opt-ins x $1.28/email = 19,200
Affiliate #2 – Has a strong email following and has these numbers:
4,000 opt-ins x $7.23/email = 28,920
Based on this example, affiliate #2 will be higher up on the leaderboard because of the higher quality conversion on their leads.

Here are the opt-in contest prizes…

Combined Opt-in and Sales Contest

The contest includes ALL pre-launch options, which include the Wayne Dyer video, Iyanla Vanzant video, Tapping Meditations video, and event registration page (as well as sending to closeout at the end).  February 1st through closeout!